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Read more: How to download Javascript data as file on the client side
Step 1: go to each source website
Step 2: F12 then go to console tab
Step 3: Paste Javascript code:
var q=[]; $$('table.charset-tryit tr').forEach(function(v,i){var a = v.querySelector('td:nth-child(4)');if(a && a.innerText.trim()!="") q.push(v.querySelector('td:nth-child(2)').innerText+"|"+a.innerText.trim().slice(1,-1))}) var data = new Blob([q.join("\n")+"\n"], {type: 'text/plain'}); var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); var x= document.createElement('a')"download_link" x.setAttribute('download',"data1.txt") x.innerHTML = 'Download as Text File' x.setAttribute('href',url) document.body.appendChild(x) document.getElementById('download_link').click() x.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
We will have 13 text files downloaded to your computer with content example:
34|quot 38|amp 60|lt 62|gt
Step 4: join files copy /b data1*.txt data2.txt
C:\Users\tutorialspots\Downloads>copy /b data1*.txt data2.txt data1 (1).txt data1 (10).txt data1 (11).txt data1 (12).txt data1 (2).txt data1 (3).txt data1 (4).txt data1 (5).txt data1 (6).txt data1 (7).txt data1 (8).txt data1 (9).txt data1.txt 1 file(s) copied.
Now, we have a text file data2.txt
160|nbsp 161|iexcl 162|cent 163|pound 164|curren 165|yen 166|brvbar 167|sect 168|uml 169|copy 170|ordf 171|laquo 172|not 173|shy 174|reg 175|macr 176|deg 177|plusmn 178|sup2 179|sup3 180|acute 181|micro 182|para 183|middot 184|cedil 185|sup1 186|ordm 187|raquo 188|frac14 189|frac12 190|frac34 191|iquest 192|Agrave 193|Aacute 194|Acirc 195|Atilde 196|Auml 197|Aring 198|AElig 199|Ccedil 200|Egrave 201|Eacute 202|Ecirc 203|Euml 204|Igrave 205|Iacute 206|Icirc 207|Iuml 208|ETH 209|Ntilde 210|Ograve 211|Oacute 212|Ocirc 213|Otilde 214|Ouml 215|times 216|Oslash 217|Ugrave 218|Uacute 219|Ucirc 220|Uuml 221|Yacute 222|THORN 223|szlig 224|agrave 225|aacute 226|acirc 227|atilde 228|auml 229|aring 230|aelig 231|ccedil 232|egrave 233|eacute 234|ecirc 235|euml 236|igrave 237|iacute 238|icirc 239|iuml 240|eth 241|ntilde 242|ograve 243|oacute 244|ocirc 245|otilde 246|ouml 247|divide 248|oslash 249|ugrave 250|uacute 251|ucirc 252|uuml 253|yacute 254|thorn 255|yuml 8704|forall 8706|part 8707|exist 8709|empty 8711|nabla 8712|isin 8713|notin 8715|ni 8719|prod 8721|sum 8722|minus 8727|lowast 8730|radic 8733|prop 8734|infin 8736|ang 8743|and 8744|or 8745|cap 8746|cup 8747|int 8756|there4 8764|sim 8773|cong 8776|asymp 8800|ne 8801|equiv 8804|le 8805|ge 8834|sub 8835|sup 8836|nsub 8838|sube 8839|supe 8853|oplus 8855|otimes 8869|perp 8901|sdot 9674|loz 9824|spades 9827|clubs 9829|hearts 9830|diams 256|Amacr 257|amacr 258|Abreve 259|abreve 260|Aogon 261|aogon 262|Cacute 263|cacute 264|Ccirc 265|ccirc 266|Cdot 267|cdot 268|Ccaron 269|ccaron 270|Dcaron 271|dcaron 272|Dstrok 273|dstrok 274|Emacr 275|emacr 278|Edot 279|edot 280|Eogon 281|eogon 282|Ecaron 283|ecaron 284|Gcirc 285|gcirc 286|Gbreve 287|gbreve 288|Gdot 289|gdot 290|Gcedil 291|gcedil 292|Hcirc 293|hcirc 294|Hstrok 295|hstrok 296|Itilde 297|itilde 298|Imacr 299|imacr 302|Iogon 303|iogon 304|Idot 305|inodot 306|IJlog 307|ijlig 308|Jcirc 309|jcirc 310|Kcedil 311|kcedli 312|kgreen 313|Lacute 314|lacute 315|Lcedil 316|lcedil 317|Lcaron 318|lcaron 319|Lmodot 320|lmidot 321|Lstrok 322|lstrok 323|Nacute 324|nacute 325|Ncedil 326|ncedil 327|Ncaron 328|ncaron 329|napos 330|ENG 331|eng 332|Omacr 333|omacr 336|Odblac 337|odblac 338|OElig 339|oelig 340|Racute 341|racute 342|Rcedil 343|rcedil 344|Rcaron 345|rcaron 346|Sacute 347|sacute 348|Scirc 349|scirc 350|Scedil 351|scedil 352|Scaron 353|scaron 354|Tcedil 355|tcedil 356|Tcaron 357|tcaron 358|Tstrok 359|tstrok 360|Utilde 361|utilde 362|Umacr 363|umacr 364|Ubreve 365|ubreve 366|Uring 367|uring 368|Udblac 369|udblac 370|Uogon 371|uogon 372|Wcirc 373|wcirc 374|Ycirc 375|ycirc 376|Yuml 377|Zacute 378|zacute 379|Zdot 380|zdot 381|Zcaron 382|zcaron 402|fnof 437|imped 501|gacute 567|jmath 710|circ 732|tilde 913|Alpha 914|Beta 915|Gamma 916|Delta 917|Epsilon 918|Zeta 919|Eta 920|Theta 921|Iota 922|Kappa 923|Lambda 924|Mu 925|Nu 926|Xi 927|Omicron 928|Pi 929|Rho 931|Sigma 932|Tau 933|Upsilon 934|Phi 935|Chi 936|Psi 937|Omega 945|alpha 946|beta 947|gamma 948|delta 949|epsilon 950|zeta 951|eta 952|theta 953|iota 954|kappa 955|lambda 956|mu 957|nu 958|xi 959|omicron 960|pi 961|rho 962|sigmaf 963|sigma 964|tau 965|upsilon 966|phi 967|chi 968|psi 969|omega 977|thetasym 978|upsih 981|straightphi 982|piv 988|Gammad 989|gammad 1008|varkappa 1009|varrho 1013|straightepsilon 1014|backepsilon 8194|ensp 8195|emsp 8201|thinsp 8204|zwnj 8205|zwj 8206|lrm 8207|rlm 8211|ndash 8212|mdash 8216|lsquo 8217|rsquo 8218|sbquo 8220|ldquo 8221|rdquo 8222|bdquo 8224|dagger 8225|Dagger 8226|bull 8230|hellip 8240|permil 8242|prime 8243|Prime 8249|lsaquo 8250|rsaquo 8254|oline 8260|frasl 8364|euro 8465|image 8472|weierp 8476|real 8482|trade 8486|ohm 8487|mho 8501|alefsym 8592|larr 8593|uarr 8594|rarr 8595|darr 8596|harr 8629|crarr 8656|lArr 8657|uArr 8658|rArr 8659|dArr 8660|hArr 34|quot 38|amp 60|lt 62|gt