In cryptography, RC5 is a symmetric-key block cipher notable for its simplicity. Designed by Ronald Rivest in 1994.
RC5 encryption and decryption both expand the random key into 2(r+1) words that will be used sequentially (and only once each) during the encryption and decryption processes. All of the below comes from Rivest’s revised paper on RC5.
We provide some function in PHP and Javascript.
The implementation is designed to work with w = 32, r = 12, and b = 16. It means that block size is 8 bytes ( 2×32 bits ) and key size is 16 bytes ( 128 bits ).
<?php /** * @author * @copyright 2017 */ class RC5{ public static $S = array(); public static $r = 12; public static $w = 32; private static function cyclicShiftLeft($array, $positions) { $temp = array_slice($array, 0, $positions); $temp = array_merge(array_slice($array, $positions), $temp); return $temp; } private static function ROTL($v,$n,$m=32) { $y = sprintf("%0".$m."b",$v); $r = str_split($y); $r = self::cyclicShiftLeft($r,$n); return bindec(implode("",$r)) ; } private static function ROTR($v,$n,$m=32){ return self::ROTL($v,$m-$n,$m); } /* Key scheduling */ public static function rc5_init($K) { $b = 16; $u = self::$w/8; $c = max(1, ceil($b/$u)); $t = 2 * (self::$r+1); $L = array(); $P = 0xb7e15163; $Q = 0x9e3779b9; for($i = 0; $i < $b; $i++) $L[$i] = 0; for($i = $b-1, $L[$c-1] = 0; $i != -1; $i--) $L[$i/$u] = ($L[$i/$u] << 8) + $K[$i]; for(self::$S[0] = $P, $i = 1; $i < $t; $i++) self::$S[$i] = self::$S[$i-1] + $Q; $n = max($t,$c); for($A = $B = $i = $j = $k = 0; $k < 3 * $n; $k++, $i = ($i+1) % $t, $j = ($j+1) % $c) { $A = self::$S[$i] = self::ROTL(self::$S[$i] + ($A + $B), 3, self::$w); $B = $L[$j] = self::ROTL($L[$j] + ($A + $B), ($A + $B)&(self::$w-1), self::$w); } } public static function rc5_encrypt($pt) { $A = $pt[0] + self::$S[0]; $B = $pt[1] + self::$S[1]; for($i = 1; $i <= self::$r; $i++) { $A = self::ROTL($A ^ $B, $B&(self::$w-1), self::$w) + self::$S[2*$i]; $B = self::ROTL($B ^ $A, $A&(self::$w-1), self::$w) + self::$S[2*$i + 1]; } return array($A & (pow(2,self::$w)-1), $B & (pow(2,self::$w)-1)); } public static function rc5_decrypt($ct) { $B=$ct[1]; $A=$ct[0]; for($i = self::$r; $i > 0; $i--) { $B = self::ROTR($B - self::$S[2*$i + 1], $A&(self::$w-1), self::$w) ^ $A; $A = self::ROTR($A - self::$S[2*$i], $B&(self::$w-1), self::$w) ^ $B; } return array(($A - self::$S[0]) & (pow(2,self::$w)-1), ($B - self::$S[1]) & (pow(2,self::$w)-1)); } } ?>
RC5::rc5_init(array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)); $enc = (RC5::rc5_encrypt( array(65,65) )); $dec = (RC5::rc5_decrypt( $enc )); var_dump($enc,$dec);
array(2) { [0]=> int(1927580246) [1]=> int(-516086777) } array(2) { [0]=> int(65) [1]=> int(65) }
var RC5={ S : [], r : 12, w : 32, cyclicShiftLeft: function (array, positions) { var temp = array.slice(0, positions); temp = array.slice(positions).concat(temp); return temp; }, ROTL: function (v,n,m) { y = (v>=0?v:-1-v).toString(2); z = y.length; if(z < m) y = ("0".repeat(m-z))+y; r = y.split(""); if(r.length>m) r = r.slice(r.length-m); if(v<0) r ={return h=="1"?"0":"1"}) r = this.cyclicShiftLeft(r,n); return parseInt(r.join(""),2) ; }, ROTR: function (v,n,m){ return this.ROTL(v,m-n,m); } , /* Key scheduling */ rc5_init: function (K) { var b = 16, u = this.w/8, c = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(b/u)), t = 2 * (this.r+1), L = [], P = 0xb7e15163, Q = 0x9e3779b9,i,j,k; for(i = 0; i < b; i++) L[i] = 0; for(i = b-1, L[c-1] = 0; i != -1; i--) L[Math.floor(i/u)] = (L[Math.floor(i/u)] << 8) + K[i]; for(this.S[0] = P, i = 1; i < t; i++) this.S[i] = this.S[i-1] + Q; var n = Math.max(t,c); for(A = B = i = j = k = 0; k < 3 * n; k++, i = (i+1) % t, j = (j+1) % c) { A = this.S[i] = this.ROTL(this.S[i] + (A + B), 3, this.w); B = L[j] = this.ROTL(L[j] + (A + B), (A + B)&(this.w-1), this.w); } }, rc5_encrypt: function (pt) { var A,B,i; A = pt[0] + this.S[0]; B = pt[1] + this.S[1]; for(i = 1; i <= this.r; i++) { A = this.ROTL(A ^ B, B&(this.w-1), this.w) + this.S[2*i]; B = this.ROTL(B ^ A, A&(this.w-1), this.w) + this.S[2*i + 1]; } return [A & (Math.pow(2,this.w)-1), B & (Math.pow(2,this.w)-1)]; }, rc5_decrypt: function (ct) { var A,B,i; B=ct[1]; A=ct[0]; for(i = this.r; i > 0; i--) { B = this.ROTR(B - this.S[2*i + 1], A&(this.w-1), this.w) ^ A; A = this.ROTR(A - this.S[2*i], B&(this.w-1), this.w) ^ B; } return [(A - this.S[0]) & (Math.pow(2,this.w)-1), (B - this.S[1]) & (Math.pow(2,this.w)-1)]; } }
RC5.rc5_init([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]); enc = (RC5.rc5_encrypt( [65,65] )); dec = (RC5.rc5_decrypt( enc )); console.log(enc,dec);
[1927580246, -516086777] [65, 65]
Part 2: RC5 block cipher implement in PHP and Javascript – part 2
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RC5 block cipher implement in PHP and Javascript – part 2 | Free Online Tutorials
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