How to protect password a folder in Nginx

Example: we need protect folder /home/nginx/domains/ with a username and password.

Step 1: login server via SSH
Step 2: create file .htpasswd eg: /home/nginx/domains/

htpasswd -c /home/nginx/domains/ username

you can replace username with your name login eg: admin

Then you will see:

New password: 
Re-type new password: 
Adding password for user username

Example result:

[root@tutorialspots ~]# htpasswd -c /home/nginx/domains/
d username
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user username

You will get file .htaccess with content like:


You can use this command to generate your own .htpasswd content.

htpasswd -nb username password


[root@tutorialspots ~]# htpasswd -nb username password

Note: if you get error: command not found means your server doesn’t contains htpasswd, you must install it:

yum install httpd-tools

Step 3: open file conf of this domain eg: /usr/local/nginx/conf/conf.d/ then add these lines:

location /secure {
  auth_basic "Restricted";
  auth_basic_user_file /home/nginx/domains/;

protect password a folder in Nginx

Step 4: restart nginx

service nginx restart

Done! now try to access

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