Android Lesson 1 part 2: Setup Eclipse

We can use Eclipse instead of Android Studio, this is the best way for weak performance machine.

Step 1: Setup Android SDK
1.1 You can download the installer from the Android official website:
Now, the lasted version is 24.4.1

Platform Package Size SHA-1 Checksum
Windows installer_r24.4.1-windows.exe (Recommended) 151659917 bytes f9b59d72413649d31e633207e31f456443e7ea0b 199701062 bytes 66b6a6433053c152b22bf8cab19c0f3fef4eba49
Mac OS X 102781947 bytes 85a9cccb0b1f9e6f1f616335c5f07107553840cd
Linux android-sdk_r24.4.1-linux.tgz 326412652 bytes 725bb360f0f7d04eaccff5a2d57abdd49061326d

1.2 Setup android sdk tools
android sdk tools setup
Default install location: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk

1.3 Launch Android SDK Manager:

android sdk manager

Wait for few minutes for setting up.

Step 2: setup Eclipse IDE
Download the latest Eclipse binaries from the Eclipse offical website

Eg: for Windows 64bits, download:

Unzip it into a location like: C:\Eclipse

eclipse location

Add this path to the PATH variable
set path eclipse

Launch the file C:\Eclipse\eclipse.exe, if everything is fine, you will see the Workspace Launcher

eclipse workspace launcher

Click OK and then you will see


Step 3: Setup Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin

3.1 Click menu Help -> Install New Software
eclipse adt plugin install

3.2 Click Add button
3.3 Fill the field Name with: ADT Plugin and the field Location with
3.4 Select Developer Tools
eclipse adt plugin install step 2
3.5 Click Next and with some step after, you can install ADT plugin successfully.

If you get the error like:
eclipse adt install warning

Don’t be afraid of this error, you click OK and everything will be normal.

Now, you must restart your machine.

If you get the error:

Could not find C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe!

android sdk error

You can fix it by following some steps:

Step 1: Launch android sdk manager

Step 2:tick Extras/Android sdk platform-tools. revision 23.1 [*] and
Tools/Android sdk platform-tools

Step 3: Click Delete 1 package then click Install 1 package
fix error android sdk

Now the losted file adb.exe is here
android sdk platform tools

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