How to install Ioncube loader on Appserv

A little shared information to you that an error when using localhost in this kind of error:

Site error: the file D\appserv\www\aplication\file.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_win_5.2.dll to be installed by the site administrator.

To resolve you can follow the following steps:

1. Download first ionCube Loader
2. Then you extract file zip / rar donwload you have to sever your root folder, eg: D:\AppServ\ioncube\

3. Open the php.ini file in C:\Windows\ add the following lines of code (may be in place at the bottom):
zend_extension_ts = D:\AppServ\ioncube\ioncube_loader_win_5.2.dll
(according to the version you are using, I happened to use a php version 5.2)

4. The last step you need to restart your apache server

Good luck, good luck

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