mbstring provides multibyte specific string functions that help you deal with multibyte encodings in PHP. In addition to that, mbstring handles character encoding conversion between the possible encoding pairs. mbstring is designed to handle Unicode-based encodings such as UTF-8 and UCS-2 and many single-byte encodings for convenience. Read more about PHP: function mb_str_split …
Author: phptuts
Function str_split in PHP4
According to the document of PHP official website, http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-split.php
(PHP 5) str_split — Convert a string to an array
PHP CURL class support basic authorization, HTTP SOCKS5 proxy and much more
This is a useful class written by me and use it regularly. Features HTTPS connection Basic authorization, HTTP proxy SOCKS5 proxy Cookie jar and much…
PHP & CURL: step by step
After you read this article: Getting data without risking death with PHP, CURL, you’ve seen the power of CURL. I’ll write more about CURL to…
PHP: Methods to encrypt and decrypt with private key (part 3)
Please read PHP: Methods to encrypt and decrypt with private key (part 1) PHP: Methods to encrypt and decrypt with private key (part 2) Method…
CURL cookie.txt file format
CURL autogenerate file cookie.txt: # Netscape HTTP Cookie File # http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. www.filefactory.com FALSE…
PHP: Methods to encrypt and decrypt with private key (part 2)
Please read PHP: Methods to encrypt and decrypt with private key (part 1) Method 2: use arcfour algorithm Example usage: result: It isn’t a nice…
PHP: Methods to encrypt and decrypt with private key (part 1)
There are some methods to encrypt your data with a private key. Method 1: Note: your private key must have string length greater than 8.…
PHP: Using SOCKS4 with SSL connection
Please read first: PHP SOCKS4 Interface Try to grab data from a HTTPS page like: https://www.google.com we get a empty string string(0) “” or an…
PHP SOCKS4 Interface
SOCKS was originally developed by David Koblas and subsequently modified and extended by me to its current running version — version 4. It is a…