<video id="example_video" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="640" height="264" poster="" data-setup='{}'> <source data-res="480" src="" type='video/mp4' /> <source data-res="240" src="" type='video/mp4' /> <source data-res="720" src="" type='video/mp4' /> <track kind="captions" src="demo.captions.vtt" srclang="en" label="English"></track> <!-- Tracks need an ending tag thanks to IE9 --> <track kind="subtitles" src="demo.captions.vtt" srclang="en" label="English"></track> <!-- Tracks need an ending tag thanks to IE9 --> <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a> </p> </video>
.vjs-dl-button.vjs-menu-button.vjs-control { background-image: url(); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 10px 4px; }
/* * Videojs Plugin for download * By: * Base on Video.js Resolution Selector ( * Thanks for Dominic P */ (function (_V_) { var methods = { res_label: function (res) { return (/^\d+$/.test(res)) ? res + 'p' : res; } }; _V_.DownloadMenuItem = _V_.MenuItem.extend({ call_count: 0, init: function (player, options) { var touchstart = false; // Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init. options.label = methods.res_label(options.res); // Call the parent constructor, player, options); // Store the resolution as a property this.resolution = options.res; // Register our click and tap handlers this.on(['click', 'tap'], this.onClick); } }); // Handle clicks on the menu items _V_.DownloadMenuItem.prototype.onClick = function () { // Check if this has already been called if (this.call_count > 0) { return; } // Call the player.changeDl method this.player().changeDl(this.resolution); // Increment the call counter this.call_count++; }; _V_.DownloadTitleMenuItem = _V_.MenuItem.extend({ init: function (player, options) { // Call the parent constructor, player, options); // No click handler for the menu title'click'); } }); _V_.DownloadSelector = _V_.MenuButton.extend({ init: function (player, options) { // Add our list of available resolutions to the player object player.availableRes = options.available_res; // Call the parent constructor, player, options); // Set the button text based on the option provided this.el().firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = options.buttonText; } }); // Set class for resolution selector button _V_.DownloadSelector.prototype.className = 'vjs-dl-button'; // Create a menu item for each available resolution _V_.DownloadSelector.prototype.createItems = function () { var player = this.player(), items = []; // Add the menu title item items.push(new _V_.DownloadTitleMenuItem(player, { el: _V_.Component.prototype.createEl('li', { className: 'vjs-menu-title vjs-dl-menu-title', innerHTML: player.localize('Quality') }) })); // Add an item for each available resolution for (current_res in player.availableRes) { // Don't add an item for the length attribute if ('length' == current_res) { continue; } items.push(new _V_.DownloadMenuItem(player, { res: current_res })); } // Sort the available resolutions in descending order items.sort(function (a, b) { if (typeof a.resolution == 'undefined') { return -1; } else { return parseInt(b.resolution) - parseInt(a.resolution); } }); return items; }; _V_.plugin('DownloadSelector', function (options) { // Only enable the plugin on HTML5 videos if (!this.el().firstChild.canPlayType) { return; } var player = this, sources = player.options().sources, i = sources.length, available_res = { length: 0 }, current_res, DownloadSelector; // Get all of the available resolutions while (i > 0) { i--; // Skip sources that don't have data-res attributes if (!sources[i]['data-res']) { continue; } current_res = sources[i]['data-res']; if (typeof available_res[current_res] !== 'object') { available_res[current_res] = []; available_res.length++; } available_res[current_res].unshift(sources[i]); } if (typeof player.localize !== 'function') { player.localize = function (string) { return string; }; } // Define the change res method player.changeDl = function (target_resolution) { callback = options.callback || function (a) { return a; } var win =[target_resolution][0].src), '_blank'); //var win =[target_resolution][0].src, '_blank'); if (win) { //Browser has allowed it to be opened win.focus(); } else { //Broswer has blocked it alert('Please allow popups for this site'); } }; // Add the resolution selector button DownloadSelector = new _V_.DownloadSelector(player, { buttonText: 'Download', available_res: available_res }); // Add the button to the control bar object and the DOM player.controlBar.DownloadSelector = player.controlBar.addChild(DownloadSelector); }); })(videojs); $(document).ready(function () { videojs('example_video', { "plugins": { "DownloadSelector": { "callback": function (a) { return a + (a.match(/\?/)?'&':'?')+'forcedownload' } } } }); })
Online demo:
The callback function we can leave blank, the download link will same as the play link.
$(document).ready(function () { videojs('example_video', { "plugins": { "DownloadSelector": {} } }); })
With the callback function, we can modify the download link, like use shorten link (,,…)
In the future, we’ll write a tutorial for make shorten link with PHP.
Note: The example use some external resource: