TypeScript – Functions
Defining a Function
function [function_name]() { //body }
Example 1:
function sum(x:number,y:number):number { return x+y }
Example 2: anonymous function
function (x:number,y:number):number { return x+y }
Calling a Function
A function must be called so as to execute it. This process is termed as function invocation.
Note: function_name
can be a variable
Example 1:
function sum(x:number,y:number):number { return x+y } console.log(sum(1,2))
Example 2: anonymous function
(function (x:number,y:number):number { return x+y })(1,2)
Example 3:
var sum = function (x:number,y:number):number { console.log( x+y ) } sum(1,2)
Returning a Function
Functions may also return value along with control, back to the caller. Such functions are called as returning functions.
function [function_name]():return_type { //body return value; }
Note: return_type
must one of these values: string, number, object, boolean, void, any
var round = function (x:number):any { return function(){ return Math.round(x) } } console.log(round(2.2)())
Function Parameters
While calling a function, there are two ways that arguments can be passed to a function
S.No. | Call Type & Description |
1. |
Call by value This method copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function. In this case, changes made to the parameter inside the function have no effect on the argument. |
2. |
Call by pointer This method copies the address of an argument into the formal parameter. Inside the function, the address is used to access the actual argument used in the call. This means that changes made to the parameter |
function [func_name](param1[:datatype1], [param2[?][:datatype2]]) { //body }
Call by pointer
var myInfo = { name: 'Tutorialspots', age: 35 } function changeAge(info:any,newAge:number){ info.age = newAge } changeAge(myInfo,40) console.log(myInfo)
[LOG]: { "name": "Tutorialspots", "age": 40 }
Optional Parameters
The optional parameter should be set as the last argument in a function:
Example: Optional Parameters
function sum(x:number,y:number,z?:number) { console.log("x:", x) console.log("y:", y) if(typeof z!="undefined") console.log("z:",z) return x+y+(typeof z!="undefined"?z:0) } console.log(sum(1,2,3)) console.log(sum(1,2))
[LOG]: x:, 1 [LOG]: y:, 2 [LOG]: z:, 3 [LOG]: 6 [LOG]: x:, 1 [LOG]: y:, 2 [LOG]: 3
Rest Parameters
Detail: TypeScript tutorial: Lesson 3 Go to: Rest Operator (Rest parameters)
Default Parameters
Like PHP, TypeScript function parameters can also be assigned values by default:
function [function_name](param1[:type1], param2[:type2] = default_value) { //body }
var myInfo = { name: 'Tutorialspots', age: 35 } function changeAge(newAge:number=40){ myInfo.age = newAge } changeAge() console.log(myInfo)
[LOG]: { "name": "Tutorialspots", "age": 40 }
The Function Constructor
Like PHP (function create_function
), TypeScript also supports defining a function with the built-in JavaScript constructor called Function()
new Function( [arguments,] function_body_as_string )
var sum = new Function("x","y","return x+y") console.log(sum(1,2))
[LOG]: 3
Lambda Functions
Lambda refers to anonymous functions in programming. Lambda functions are a concise mechanism to represent anonymous functions. These functions are also called as Arrow functions.
Lambda Expression
( [param1, param2, …param n] )=>statement
Example 1:
var myFunc = (x:number,y:number)=>(x=x+1,x+y) console.log(myFunc(1,2))
[LOG]: 4
Lambda Statement
( [param1, param2, …param n] )=>{ //block }
Example 2:
var myFunc = (x:number,y:number)=>{ x=x+1 console.log(x+y) } myFunc(1,2)
[LOG]: 4
Generator function
The function*
keyword defines a generator function expression.
Pause and resume a generator function.
Delegate to another generator function or iterable object.
The Generator object: is returned by a generator function and it conforms to both the iterable protocol and the iterator protocol.
Constructor: you must use generator function:
function* foo() { yield 2 yield 1 } const iterator = foo()
Instance methods
Returns a value yielded by the yield expression.
Returns the given value and finishes the generator.
Throws an error to a generator (also finishes the generator, unless caught from within that generator).
function* foo() { yield 2 yield 1 } const iterator = foo() console.log(iterator.next().value) console.log(iterator.next().value)
[LOG]: 2 [LOG]: 1
Example: yield* keyword
function* func1() { yield 100 yield 101 } function* func2() { yield 99 yield* func1() } const iterator = func2() console.log(iterator.next().value) console.log(iterator.next().value) console.log(iterator.next().value)
[LOG]: 99 [LOG]: 100 [LOG]: 101
Function Overloads
Functions have the capability to operate differently on the basis of the input provided to them. In other words, a program can have multiple methods with the same name with different implementation. This mechanism is called as Function Overloading. TypeScript provides support for function overloading.
//Declare multiple functions with the same name but different function signature function calculateDistance(p1:object,p2:object):number function calculateDistance(x1:number,y1:number,x2:number,y2:number):number //Function definition with optional parameters function calculateDistance(a:any,b:any,c?:any,d?:any):number{ if(typeof a == "number"){ return Math.sqrt((a-c)**2 + (b-d)**2) }else{ return Math.sqrt((a.x-b.x)**2+(a.y-b.y)**2) } } console.log(calculateDistance({x:10,y:20},{x:30,y:50})) console.log(calculateDistance(10,20,30,50))
[LOG]: 36.05551275463989 [LOG]: 36.05551275463989