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Function str_ireplace in PHP4
Function stripos in PHP4
Function http_build_query in PHP4
PHP: function mb_str_split
mbstring provides multibyte specific string functions that help you deal with multibyte encodings in PHP. In addition to that, mbstring handles character encoding conversion between the possible encoding pairs. mbstring is designed to handle Unicode-based encodings such as UTF-8 and UCS-2 and many single-byte encodings for convenience. Read more about PHP: function mb_str_split …
PHP Generate Random ID’s
Function str_split in PHP4
According to the document of PHP official website,
(PHP 5) str_split — Convert a string to an array
Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3
The site of the world is entering a new technology and new standards. So they started developing HTML5 and CSS3.I will briefly describe HTML5. Read more about Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 …
PHP CURL class support basic authorization, HTTP SOCKS5 proxy and much more
CSS border styles
Border or border around an element on a web page can be defined in CSS. Border can give the color, thickness and style. All we know for the three basic styles: