How to stream a mp4 file with Node.js
var http = require('http'), fs = require('fs'), util = require('util'); var serverFunction = function (req, res) { var path = '/relative/path/of/mp4/file.mp4'; var stat = fs.statSync(path); var total = stat.size; if (req.headers['range']) { var range = req.headers.range; var parts = range.replace(/bytes=/, "").split("-"); var partialstart = parts[0]; var partialend = parts[1]; var start = parseInt(partialstart, 10); var end = partialend ? parseInt(partialend, 10) : total-1; var chunksize = (end-start)+1; console.log('RANGE: ' + start + ' - ' + end + ' = ' + chunksize); var file = fs.createReadStream(path, {start: start, end: end}); res.writeHead(206, { 'Content-Range': 'bytes ' + start + '-' + end + '/' + total, 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Length': chunksize, 'Content-Type': 'video/mp4' }); file.pipe(res); } else { console.log('ALL: ' + total); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': total, 'Content-Type': 'video/mp4' }); fs.createReadStream(path).pipe(res); } } http.createServer(serverFunction).listen(31000, ''); console.log('Server running at');
Run test
$ node app.js Server running at ALL: 342123568 RANGE: 0 - 342123567 = 342123568 ALL: 342123568 RANGE: 57933824 - 342123567 = 284189744 RANGE: 148668416 - 342123567 = 193455152 RANGE: 247431168 - 342123567 = 94692400 RANGE: 293732352 - 342123567 = 48391216 ...
Note: fs.statSync will throw an error if file not exists:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory
So, you should use try catch clause to catch this error:
try{ var stat = fs.statSync(path); ... }catch(e){ //handle error }