Javascript: how to reverse an object? phptuts December 28, 2017 How to reverse an object in Javascript ? Here my method: Example: Result: Continue Reading
Date setTimezoneOffset method phptuts November 21, 2017 As you all know, all date methods work only in the context of local time (user) or UTC, but sometimes you want to work in… Continue Reading
How to chmod folders or files only phptuts November 20, 2017 To chmod folders only, you can use command: To chmod files only, you can use command: Continue Reading
Using FTP with VPSSIM on CentOS phptuts November 20, 2017 Use vpssim menu: Choose menu 9 then choose sub-menu 5 to setup FTP server: Now you will see this screen: Type 1 to create an… Continue Reading
How to create websocket secure by using NodeJS phptuts November 11, 2017 Method 1: In this article: How to run a https website with Nodejs, express and Method 2: use NGINX file .conf Now, you can… Continue Reading
How to create a free Let’s Encrypt certificate on CentOS with NGINX phptuts November 11, 2017 Step 1: Step 2: Result: To renew automatically: Because that Let’s Encrypt certificates is valid for 90 days, so must renew. To test: Result: You… Continue Reading
How to run a https website with Nodejs, express and phptuts November 11, 2017 Step 1: generate RSA key Use command line: (on Windows we can use Cygwin) Result: Step 2: create file csr.pem Result: Step 3: create SSL… Continue Reading
How to install bmon – Bandwidth Monitor on CentOS phptuts October 3, 2017 bmon is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics and prepare them visually in a human friendly way. It features various output… Continue Reading
Linux: Cron job to monitor for php-fpm service problem phptuts September 17, 2017 Sometimes, php-fpm service is error, how to monitor for php-fpm service ? Step 1: create a file like check.php with a simple content like and… Continue Reading
How to reset MariaDb root password on Linux phptuts August 20, 2017 You forgot or you unknow your root MYSQL password! How to reset MariaDb root password on Linux? Step 1: stop MariaDb or in some cases:… Continue Reading